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ND Patriot Guard visiting U.S.A. Veteran’s

ND Patriot Guard visited U.S.A. Veteran’s on May 21, 2016

The North Dakota Patriot Guard came to Marian Manor on Saturday, May 21, 2016.  They presented a Challenge Coin to our residents who are United States of America Veterans in recognition of their years of military service.

There were 3 different coins depending on the years they were in the service. Gerard Schwan and Norm Westbrook, both Bismarck/Mandan area Ride Captains for the Patriot Guard presented the residents with their coin.  Pastor Albert Lautenschlager started the program with a prayer. 

Those residents honored to receive a coin were: Harold Halstead, Dick Henke, Ervin Navratil, Walter Uhlman, and Edward Renner received the coin for WWII, Gerald Bechhold, Allen Osmundson, Wendelin Schwartz, Thomas Berger, Sidney Sanden, and Larry Young received the Korean coin, and Scott Seabury received the non-combat coin.

There were also members from the American Legion present for this program and they were also able to receive a coin- John H Bechtold, Shorty Duppong, Joe Muller, and Roger Soggie. Families were invited to this program and anyone else who had been in the military were also able to receive a coin. Those visiting that received a coin were Jim White, served in the Air Force from Virginia and Charlie Brown served in the Navy from Glen Ullin.   

ND Patriot Guard visiting U.S.A. Veteran’s

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